
LPL has raised Rs. 6.7 million for the ‘Little Hearts’ project

Sri Lanka Cricket announced that at the end of the league stage, the Lanka Premier League 2023 had raised Rs. 6.7 million for the ‘Little Hearts’ project of the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital. During the first 20 matches, a total of 497 boundaries and 185 sixes were scored, while 1802 dot balls were bowled. As SLC announced before the start of the tournament, Sri Lanka Cricket will donate to the ‘Little Hearts’ project Rs. 4000 for each boundary scored, Rs. 6000 for every six scored, and Rs. 2000 for every dot ball bowled.

According to that, SLC has raised Rs. 1,110,00 from the sixes and Rs. 1,988,000 from boundaries. For the dot balls, SLC has raised Rs. 3,604,000 for the project.

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