
WATCH: MP Hesha Withanage revealed the misuse of funds at Sri Lanka Cricket

Sri Lankan Member of Parliament Hesha Withanage revealed that members of Sri Lanka Cricket’s Executive Committee were misusing the board’s cash for personal gain. Using findings from an audit report, the Opposition MP claimed that money earmarked for cricket development was instead spent on the enjoyment of Executive Committee members.

According to the MP, the SLC’s Executive Committee members spent Rs. 67 million on air tickets and allowances during last year’s ICC T-20 World Cup in Australia.

“SLC President Shammi Silva alone has been given over 11 million rupees to attend the World Cup.” I have no objections to him visiting Australia, but why spend so much money? His wife and family members joined him to Australia on SLC money, along with the SLC President. “That is not cricket,” the MP stated.

“I bring this up without malice, but to put the sport on the right track.” The SLC CEO sent letters to 17 people who had nothing to do with cricket in order for them to gain visas to Australia; one of them has yet to return. “This is a blot on the country and a blot on Sri Lankan cricket,” the MP continued. “Our cricket is in disarray. We, as a party, commit to raise and debate these issues in Parliament. “I have all of the evidence, and I intend to submit these documents to CID,” he stated.

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